Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Summer's here

Summer’s almost here! Only one final and a project separate me from finishing my undergrad and having the whole summer to slack off before I even have to think about applying for grad school. So until then I’ve decided to start a summer bucket list of things I want to do before August roles around. Here’s what I have so far on the list:

Visit a new city, probably Baltimore for an Orioles game and the aquarium
Get a tattoo
Master shooting clay pigeons
Catch a fish
Go camping
Learn how to play a fiddle
Take my hunters safety course
Go to a drive in movie

I’m sure once I graduate and move home I’ll be able to think of some more things to add to the bucket list, but if you have any other ideas or suggestions let me know!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

In an Easter Egg Shell

Away to Elk County we go
Lots and lots of rain but thankfully no snow

To celebrate Easter was our main goal
Spent the weekend in a cabin we call a hole

Four dogs whom were muddy the whole entire time
Thanks to Mom we didn’t have to spend a dime

Colored eggs and played some games
Boy this Easter poem sure sounds lame

When it came time to go
Mom’s Escape said no, no, no

Broke down and stranded in the middle of nowhere
Only to find a few ticks in my hair

Now all four dogs and humans in one truck
Holy shit, what the f@#k?

The Escape is now three hours away
Til it’s fixed, it’s there to stay

Easter weekend was all but boring
Elk County, Pennsylvania you’re always alluring
Broken down with puddles the pup

As John Steinbeck wrote, “Even the best laid schemes of mice and men often go awry.”
This weekend was no exception. After planning a trip to our family cabin for months, it rained, stormed and our car broke down. The best part wasn’t even planned. While broken down, my boyfriend and I spent three hours on the side of the road waiting for my parents to find the right car part. We played baseball, walked our dogs and even played games that we had packed up for the trip home. Even though this was not part of our well thought out plans, it was defiantly the most fun part of the trip.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Oh no.. someone ate spaghetti in the shower again

All I have to say is watch Jabooody Dubs. Their remakes of infomercials are just as goofy as their name. With a handful of viral videos ranging from the Big Shitty Slider to Kaboom, they’re sure to entertain and make you laugh. Of course it’s hard to pick a favorite but I think the Kaboom commercial is defiantly in the running for the top two.  If you’re bored check them all out and let me know what’s your favorite!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Batter's up

I have four words for you: Go to Buc Night!
Last Friday despite the rain and miserable weather five of my friends and I headed to PNC Park to watch the Buccaneers take on the Colorado Rockies.  The game was set to start at 7:05 but of course we got there three hours ahead of time for ample pregame drinking. The tickets were only a dollar, along with Sugardale hot dogs and popcorn. Aside from the cold and gloomy weather we stayed for all 14 innings and ate our fair share of hot dogs, all for next to nothing.  
So next time you’re bored of Morgantown and are looking for something to do, check out this website and go to a pirates game!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Swim into Summer

Summer’s on its way and so is the swimming and drinking weather. Before you head home for the summer or graduate I’m sure everyone wants to head to Blue Hole one more time before they leave town.  But why not explore a new and less crowded swimming hole? 
Every time I’m at Blue Hole there’s always a plethora of people, garbage, and broken glass so I’m always in the search of a new place to chill out and swim for the day to avoid all the hubbub. That being said, I stumbled across a website that lists all of the swimming holes by states and provides directions, pictures and precautions to follow for each hole. It also informs you of what kind of vehicle is needed to reach your destination, all of which is very helpful for planning your next sunny day adventure. Even if you don’t stick around Morgantown this summer, find some new swimming holes in your hometown.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Students Getting Annoyed

Who doesn’t love waking up to a text in the morning from a random number informing that I need to vote for the Pirate Party or getting a random email from a John Doe warning me that I don’t really want Ron Chen picking student government?  The only thing that the SGA should stand for is Students Getting Annoyed. If one more person walks up to me, hands me some free crap and pretends like they care about me, I’m going to scream!  I’m not a part of a sorority or a fraternity (obviously) so I really don’t care or am going to take part in this stupid popularity contest.  I’m not trying to be a hater and I think it’s commendable that students want to participate in the Student Government Association but is it that necessary to annoy students by emailing, texting and nagging the crap out of them?  Just today walking to class I had several students from the same party come up to me and offer me bribes to vote for them,  needless to say I took the snacks but will probably neglect to vote… oops.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Food for Thought

I love food, any type of food.  However, being in college has dampered my ability to eat mom’s good home cooking, or any home cooking in that case.  With spring finals coming up it’s more important than ever to have the nourishment that students need to fill up their gas tanks for test taking. That being said, put Chili’s, Olive Garden, Texas Roadhouse, and any other chain restaurant aside and try Ruby and Ketchy’s.  A quaint little restaurant off the Cheat Lake exit is sure to hit a high note when it comes to home cooking. During my first experience there, I was greeted by the church crowd on a Sunday afternoon and also the men’s basketball assistant coach Bill Hahn. The items on the menu are just like something mom would make, fried egg sandwich with bacon, homemade coleslaw, fried chicken and even roast beef sandwiches with gravy. Don't just take my word for it, check out this blog