We all love food, but as college students we don’t have the opportunity to eat very many things besides Ramen noodles. However, we all have a pantry filled with random things that you might not even think about putting together. Of course, these meals aren’t going to be as fancy as your mom’s homemade dinners, but they’ll get the job done.
One of the first things we all have the ingredients for are peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (not to be confused with peanut butter and Jilly sandwiches). But instead of making a plain everyday sandwich, why not grill it? It’s made just like a grilled cheese; first you butter one side of each piece of bread, then add the peanut butter and jelly to the bread and grill on medium heat until you reach the desired brownness.
Of course this is a generic idea, but it just goes to show that food you have lying around can be turned into an easy cheap meal or be recreated into something different, and not to mention you can save up your hard earned money for beer.