We all love food, but as college students we don’t have the opportunity to eat very many things besides Ramen noodles. However, we all have a pantry filled with random things that you might not even think about putting together. Of course, these meals aren’t going to be as fancy as your mom’s homemade dinners, but they’ll get the job done.
One of the first things we all have the ingredients for are peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (not to be confused with peanut butter and Jilly sandwiches). But instead of making a plain everyday sandwich, why not grill it? It’s made just like a grilled cheese; first you butter one side of each piece of bread, then add the peanut butter and jelly to the bread and grill on medium heat until you reach the desired brownness.
Of course this is a generic idea, but it just goes to show that food you have lying around can be turned into an easy cheap meal or be recreated into something different, and not to mention you can save up your hard earned money for beer.
Given the task to come up with a top ten list was challenging. I couldn’t settle on just one topic to write ten things about, nor could I come up with all ten things to write for one topic. Point in case I tried to come up with the top ten things to do around Morgantown that don’t involve alcohol, I came up with about 3 ideas. Therefore, I’ve decided to make a top ten list of the top ten things that I was going to make a list for; here goes.
10. Top ten things you can stuff more than two of in your mouth
9. Top ten things you can and should bedazzle
8. Top ten things you can do around Morgantown that don’t involve drinking
7. Top ten things you shouldn’t do with your best friends
6. Top ten bets you shouldn’t take money for
5. Top ten things you would rather poke your eye with than watch "Sit and be Fit"
4. Top ten things you can wear on your feet besides shoes
3. Top ten things that you want silly bands to be in the shape of
2. Top ten things you shouldn’t eat
1. Top ten things you don’t want to smell like
Well there you have it, the top ten list of the top ten things I wanted to make a list for. Feel free to expand on any of the top tens or throw out your own ideas, the more the better. And if you feel inspired by this blog and feel the need to read any more of my useless random thoughts follow my tweets at
If you're reading this it means you survived Valentines Day and are only a few days away from the weekend, what a glorious thought. Along with no worries and no class, hopefully this weekend will bring nice weather. The mere thought of a 66 degree day in February has Facebookers littering updates saying that the porch drinking season is soon to begin. Just the idea of walking around campus without seeing people bundled up and frost bitten is a good enough, reason if any, to grab a cold one and post up on a porch. But if you're not busy drinking on a porch or studying, try doing something new this week.As a senior, I've learned that we all get in a rut and have the same routine every week. I have also learned that as college students, we're broke. Therefore, I have came up with a itinerary that incorporates trying new things while being cheap. February
Monday- 99cents kids meals at Texas Roadhouse followed by cheap beer night at Mario's Fishbowl til 7
Tuesday-Mug night at Chick n' Bones, refills for only $1
Wednesday-Local night at Wisp ($26 for both lift and rentals) and all you can eat wings at Rhythms and Brews for $8
Thursday- $1 chili dogs at Town Hill and ladies night at Sports Page
It seems like not to much good comes out of the winter months, but I have to say February has to be one of the most boring months. The Superbowl's over, and the only reminder of the Sunday night game are the crappy commercials. Of course Valentines Day is in February, but who really cares? Well actually I do, I love the idea of pink and red hearts everywhere and even though it's called a Hallmark holiday, I still enjoy it. I'd like to think that part of participating in this holiday would be due to my "hopefully" future career in creating greeting cards, no big deal really. Anyways, this is all besides the point. February is no fun, so I've decided the next few posts will be tips on how to get through the boring month.
Today's tip: start a game night. Uno, Apples to Apples and even Wii games are a great way to beat the blues, and can easily be turned into drinking games. However, my new personal favorite game is The Game of Things. It's an easy game anyone can play and you pretty much control how it's played. Its a great game to play with your parents or with your dirty minded college roommates. Their website gives you a pretty good idea of how to play the game so hop to it .
I've never been fond of the idea of blogging. I would much rather talk about puppies, bedazzling, fishing and outdoor things, or bedazzling puppies while being outdoors fishing. I feel like my opinions on hot topics don't mean much, therefore, I've decided to make this blog a hodgepodge of topics and things, just like an episode of Seinfeld.
To start off, I'm a half-hearted Steelers fan from Eighty Four, Pennsylvania. Eighty Four? Yes, Eighty Four is the name of the town I'm from and there's no real answer as to how it got it's name. It's believed that it was the 84th train stop, or the idiots who founded the little town wrote the year on the line where the town name was supposed to go. Regardless, I'm only excited for the Super Bowl because of the commercials. I'm an advertising major and aspire to write Super Bowl ads for Budweiser or write my own line of greeting cards.
If you're reading this blog and have already become bored, check out this link and send a personalized email to a loved one: http://host-d.oddcast.com/php/application_UI/doorId=860/clientId=317/?mId=