The word spring break means something different to everyone in a college town. To some it means the chance to go home and hang out with family and friends, while others view it as a chance to migrate to warmer weather and get drunk. This spring break instead of heading to a beach and packing a suitcase full of bikinis and sundresses, I packed a duffle bag full of sweats, blankets, pepperoni rolls and ample amount of toilet paper. I like to think of this spring break as getting back to the basics. Even though we only went camping for a couple days at blue hole, the trip was nonetheless interesting and left me craving for more outdoors. Instead of describing everything that went wrong, and the few things that went right, I though I’d try to create an acronym that described the highlights of my two day spring break camping extravaganza. Here goes:
Sleeping two people in one sleeping bag
Peeing in the woods
Raining and thunder storming the whole time
Intentions of packing warmer clothes
Never having enough Busch Light
Getting hailed on while fishing
Being afraid that the inbreds of Wrong Turn were going to eat me
Remembering the tent needed waterproofed, after it was too late
Eating filets and tilapias that were grilled over a camp fire
Ascending a mountain trail, only to find out it led to Albright
Keeping company with the best people ever
Our makeshift campsite |
In lieu of camping, spring break also consisted of slaving away at the Texas Roadhouse, spending much needed time at Crockett’s Lodge, bowling for three hours on a Friday night and also going to see Justin Moore and Miranda Lambert in concert. It just goes to show that you don’t have to go far to have a good time, even if it is spring break!