Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Students Getting Annoyed

Who doesn’t love waking up to a text in the morning from a random number informing that I need to vote for the Pirate Party or getting a random email from a John Doe warning me that I don’t really want Ron Chen picking student government?  The only thing that the SGA should stand for is Students Getting Annoyed. If one more person walks up to me, hands me some free crap and pretends like they care about me, I’m going to scream!  I’m not a part of a sorority or a fraternity (obviously) so I really don’t care or am going to take part in this stupid popularity contest.  I’m not trying to be a hater and I think it’s commendable that students want to participate in the Student Government Association but is it that necessary to annoy students by emailing, texting and nagging the crap out of them?  Just today walking to class I had several students from the same party come up to me and offer me bribes to vote for them,  needless to say I took the snacks but will probably neglect to vote… oops.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA. All things done to get our votes may have turned many of us away. Popularity contest, resume builder, reputation booster...Either way, I am done with the SGA, and believe many may agree with me.
